
Not all hearing services are created (or provided) equally.  Proper evaluation and diagnosis of hearing disorders is critical in determining your plan for monitoring, counseling, and treatment.   We feel that the decades-old convention of most hearing aid dealerships offering “free hearing tests” for the sole purpose of trying to sell a hearing aid is not in your best interest.  These “tests” are very basic and hold no diagnostic value when performed by a hearing aid specialist (dealer) which puts individuals at risk for missed medical diagnoses and lack of proper treatment recommendations.  Additionally, the actual cost of a dealer’s “free” testing (for both hearing aid purchasers and non-purchasers) is rolled into your cost when purchasing a hearing aid from their store.  Instead of focusing on the sale of a device, your experience with an Audiology Doctor is entirely about taking the best care of you.

Patient CareAll the services and procedures you receive at Great Lakes Audiology are clearly itemized from any prescribed device/equipment costs for the greatest transparency in your hearing care.  We feel you should know what you (and/or your health insurance) are paying for and we can ultimately decrease your overall costs by providing only the services which are necessary for you (instead of one set “bundled” charge for everyone).  In addition, your insurance may cover some itemized tests and services provided by an audiologist which would not be covered in a bundled model or when provided by a non-audiologist dispensing source (e.g., hearing aid specialist, BC-HIS).

If you would like to read more on the differences in hearing care providers, please click here.


We provide the following audiological services with exceptional care: (click on colored links for more information or use dropdown menu under “services”)

Hearing Evaluation

Hearing screening

Audiological (diagnostic) hearing evaluation

Tinnitus Evaluation

Treatment–Improving Hearing and Communication

Functional communication assessment (determine treatment plan and medical device candidacy)

Communication counseling and strategies (aural rehabilitation)

Hearing Aids

Fitting, programming, and adjustment of hearing aids

Prescription verification for hearing aids

Hearing aid cleaning, maintenance, and repair

Cochlear implants

Mapping (programming)

Cerumen management (earwax removal)

Occupational Hearing Conservation Program

On-site testing (OSHA Compliant)

Sound level measurements


Custom ear pieces

Ear impressions

custom ear molds (including earplugs, ear bud adapters, and musician monitors)

Ear protector attenuation measurements


We also offer the following supplies and accessories (plus many more):


Battery testers

Cleaning tools and supplies

Drying units

Eargene (anti-itch ear lotion)

Earmold tubing and replacement hearing aid components

Earmold blowers (blow moisture out of tubing)

Universal earplugs